How to do a TDS test and use the TDS meter as an educational tool

August 21, 2021

How to do a TDS test and use the TDS meter as an educational tool

In the early days of Zeta Aid, Dr. TC McDaniel would begin every lecture series with his number one antidote: the importance of consuming enough “good, clean water”. And he would begin every consultation with his patients by asking, “What water are you drinking at home?” 

Majority of his patients would say that they only drink filtered water. Unfortunately, many of them were drinking from the Tap. Or they were drinking water from a pitcher with a filter that was three years past its expiration. Most people don’t know what’s in the water they drink at home!

Therefore, this month we are highlighting our TDS meter. We will explain about undesired TDS, Total Dissolved Solids that are found in drinking water. These solids can be metals, chemical compounds or other pollutants that can wreak havoc in the body when consumed. 

Water as we know is necessary for proper hydration of the human body. Also we know that up to 60% of the human adult body is water. We also know that water is a vital nutrient that every cell in our body needs to:

  • regenerate and stay hydrated
  • protects the body’s brain, spinal cord, and fetus
  • helps produce saliva to break down food
  • breaks down foods in the bloodstream 
  • assist in flushing waste

These are all functions that the human body must have, and these functions rely heavily on water in its purest form, H2O. In this article I’d like to go in depth about what Dr. TC McDaniel meant by “good, clean water” according to his research on Zeta Potential and its effect on the human circulatory system. 

What is “good” water to drink?  “Good” water is Distilled or Reverse Osmosis.

glass of water and h20 molecule with text hydrate yourself well

Is tap water or filtered water safe to drink?

It's our #1 priority to educate ourselves and our clients about the importance of drinking plenty of reverse osmosis or distilled water. And hopefully, after reading this you will create better habits about what water you consume on a daily basis. 

First, investigate your water source and supplier

It’s important to get educated about water in general. First ask, what is your water source? Your water company should have information readily available to you. Did you know that according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) every year by July 1st you should receive a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)? You can ask your water company for an annual drinking water quality report. If you live in the US, you can find your local CCR information here.

What are the toxins found in drinking water?

The short answer, yes, there are toxins in most water unless it’s distilled or reverse osmosis water. Filtered water is only eliminating a small percentage of the toxins in your water, yet that may not eliminate the chemicals, antibiotics, medicines and other contaminants that local water sources usually produce. Groundwater or well water can be slightly better. But even if your water isn’t supplied by municipalities the groundwater can still become contaminated and potentially hazardous to your health. 

​​Some common waterborne contaminants include Manganese and Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances PFAS which are public health concerns. According to the Water Quality Association, toxins in water include, but are not limited to:

  • Aluminum
  • Ammonia
  • Arsenic
  • Barium
  • Cadmium
  • Chloramine
  • Chromium
  • Copper
  • Fluoride
  • Bacteria & Viruses
  • Lead
  • Nitrates/Nitrites
  • Mercury
  • Perchlorate
  • Radium
  • Selenium
  • Silver
  • Uranium

Some of these minerals and chemicals in small amounts are not necessarily harmful. Yet, over time these chemicals can build up in your body, just like they would in your home water system. That’s why it’s so important to avoid drinking water from the tap as much as possible.

Mineral water or spring water

It’s a common misconception that mineral water and spring water is “good” water because it’s assumed to be the closest thing to what nature intended. Yes, it’s true that ‘natural spring water’ or ‘mineral water’ has essential minerals that the body needs in order to function. Yet, there’s a problem with assuming that it’s beneficial for your circulatory system.

Dr. TC McDaniel found that vitamins, minerals, and nutrients are primarily absorbed from the food we eat, not from the water we drink. Water must have as little TDS as possible according to his research into the science of Zeta Potential. Read more about the science behind Zeta Potential in layman's terms written by Micheal Hendrickson (one of Dr. McDaniel’s patients).

Zeta Potential and the water you drink

Zeta Potential is a measure of the electrical force that exists between atoms, molecules, particles, suspensoids, cells, etc., in a fluid (colloidal suspension). Hundreds of chemical and food industries work with Zeta Potential to control chemical reactions in their products. Dr. T. C. McDaniel learned of this and first applied the concept to his own cardiovascular disease. Later he developed the Zeta Dietary Laws based on his findings.

In May 2020, a peer-reviewed study concluded that Zeta Potential can be used as an effective diagnostic tool for detection of hypertension associated cardiovascular disorder risk. This is what Dr. McDaniel has been teaching for years, and now science has caught up to the correlation between Zeta Potential and its effects on apolipoproteins, triglycerides and cholesterol. 

Get educated about your water

Dr. McDaniel emphasized with his patients how important it is to drink “good” water in the purest form. After all, it’s what nature intended, good ol’ H2O. Please note: pure H2O can only be achieved by two processes; reverse osmosis or distillation.

How can I easily test my water quality?

A TDS test is one of the quickest, affordable, and most trusted water quality measurements used by professionals in the field. Great, right? Before we get all tickled and buy a TDS meter, first let’s understand what TDS is.

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

TDS by definition represents the amount of inorganic and or organic substances (minerals, salts, metals, toxins) contained in any volume of water. So, if you want to test your water quality and how many of the solids are in your drinking water. You can test water from any source, city water, groundwater, bottled water, reverse osmosis, distilled, and even natural spring water. No matter where the water comes from you can measure the amount of total dissolved solids that are in it. 

Learn how the TDS meter works in the video below. Marybeth McDaniel Zellon, the daughter of Dr. TC McDaniel will go over how to use the TDS meter to test various sources of water in her home. 

Since the body is 60% water and it gets filtered into our bloodstream, it’s pretty easy to attribute that the water we consume directly affects our overall health. If your water is polluted, your body will be polluted too. That’s why it’s important to know if your city water, bottled water, well water is tested for TDS; that will indicate if there are any and all pollutants, medications, and anything that gets dumped into our water supply. 

What is the relationship between TDS and your overall health and wellness?

It’s difficult to believe that water, which is readily available to us in the modern world can be so dangerous to our health. According to science studies, a high amount of water solids have been linked to the formation of kidney stones in humans and can increase metabolic stress in dairy cattle. The process is simple, water you consume goes into your bloodstream along with the millions of dissolved solid particles that go with it. Yes, millions. That’s why we, the McDaniel Research Group think it’s important to know and understand the significance of a TDS measurement in parts per million. 

Parts per million (ppi) 

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends water treatment when TDS concentrations exceed 500 mg/L, or 500 parts per million (ppm). They also recommend many different scenarios when one should test the quality of their water. You can learn more about the facts about home water testing on the EPA website.

TDS is not considered a pollutant, but high TDS levels can indicate too many solids in your water that can pose a threat to your health. TDS may not be able to show exactly what solids your water contains, but most likely it’s a combination of aluminum, arsenic, copper, lead, nitrate and other chemicals. A high concentration of these minerals can become toxic to your health and even your home’s water system. Build up of solids can contribute to hard water that causes reduced efficiency of water filtration systems, hot water heaters, and plumbing. 

So, what’s in your drinking water? 

Go ahead, put a TDS meter in a glass of any kind of water and see for yourself. Consider commercial brands of bottled water, do they cut the mustard? Test it out. Stick a TDS meter in any type of water and see what it says. 

Important tip from the Zestful Wellness Protocol is to make your coffee, teas, rice, pastas, and anything you cook with good, clean water. And by Dr. TC McDaniel’s definition of “good” water is simply H2O, nothing else. 

For a limited time, receive a 20% discount on our TDS meter until September 15, 2021. We encourage our customers to test their water on a regular basis to monitor their drinking water quality standards. Use the TDS meter as an educational tool to have a healthier water lifestyle.

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